Buy with confidence

We offer our properties for Sale, Rent and also for RENT AND BUY.

All the properties you can choose from is owned by Softcell Investment SL. This is how we can offer you our special product, that we call RENT AND BUY.

Steps to RENT AND BUY:

  • Visit our properties and decide which one you want to buy
  • Negotiate the selling price
  • Sign a Contract, where you will get a one year renting term, before you pay the full purchase price
  • During that one year you pay only rent, that is agreed upon signing of the contract
  • After the one year passed, you can decide to pay the full price  in which the rent you payed is already included, and become owner.
  • Or you simply walk away, because after all you didn’t like something, and you changed your mind about buying the property.

If you are interested in what we can offer, please fill in the contact us form. One of our colleagues will reach out to you in 24 hours.